B.Sc. Courses

Circuit Analysis (ELEC231)

Elementary Resistive Circuit Theorems and Analysis Techniques: KCL. KVL, Nodal & Mesh Analysis and their Matrix formulation, Superposition, Source Transformation, Thevenin & Norton Equivalents, Maximum Power Transfer. Ideal OP AMP Model and its Circuit Analysis Methods. Energy Storage Elements, 1st- and 2nd-Order Circuit Analysis: Natural, Forced and Completed Response. Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis: Phasor, Impedance and Admittance. AC Steady-State Power: Instantaneous and Average Power, Power Factor and RMS Values. Practice includes problem solving, PSPICE and Laboratory Works.

Signals & Systems (ELEC261)

Basic Continuous-Time (C-T) and Discrete-Time (D-T) Signals and its Transformations. Basic System Properties. Linear Time-Invariant System Analysis: Properties, Convolution Sum and Convolution Integral, Impulse and Step Responses. C-T Fourier Analysis: Fourier Series and Fourier Transform. Time and Frequency Characterization of C-T Signals and Systems: Frequency Response, 1st- and 2nd-Order Systems, Bode Plots, Zero-State System Response. Introduction to Filtering, Modulation and Sampling. Laplace Analysis: Bi- and Uni-lateral Laplace Transform, Pole-Zero Plot and Stability, Transfer Function, Application in Circuit Analysis. Practice includes problem solving, MATLAB and Laboratory Works.

Digital Signal Processing (ELEC370)

Discrete-time Signals and Systems, Sampling Theorem and Reconstruction, Transform Analysis for LTI Discrete-Time Signals and Systems: Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT), z-Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier transform (FFT). Fundamental Digital Filter Design Techniques: Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) and Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters. Analysis of Finite Word-Length Effects. Introduction to the Applications of Digital Signal Processing. Practice includes problem solving, MATLAB and Laboratory Project Works.

System Design (ELEC437)

This course is studied based on several obligatory courses including the subjects on electronics, automatic control, power electronics, etc.. It aims at training the students to have elementary designing (or synthesis) ability. The students are asked to design some circuits or small systems according to some certain functional requirements and some given information. The system to be designed belongs to one of what follows: sequence controller, speed regulator or some other kinds of automatic control systems. For every student, both an overall design and a certain assambly design are required. After designing, the students may be asked to implement their circuits or systems themselves (depending on the laboratory conditions and the material prerequisitcs).

Final Year Project (ELEC402)
Signal Processing & Data Conversion Technique (Proposed)
Analog Integrated Circuit Design (Proposed)

M.Sc. Courses

Introduction to Research (IMSE001)
Microelectronic Circuit Design (IMSE004)

The primary goal of this course is to introduce basic electronic principles needed by the integrated circuit designer and to discuss engineering tradeoffs and practical considerations that are necessary for the student to make the transition from the classroom to industry as an integrated circuit designer. After the introduction of these principles, some basic circuitsm either digital or analog are presented together with one real advanced VLSI CMOS process. The evaluation is composed by several assignment works of simulation and layout design of basic circuits in the beginning of the semester and after mid-term the students will make a real IC design that will be implemented in a Multi-Project Chip.

Microelectronics for Telecommunication and Signal Processing (IMSE011)

The primary goal of this course is to present the most important functions that can be encountered in most of the applications in Telecommunications and Signal Processing. These functions that include, namely: Sampling, Discrete-Time and Digital Filtering and A/D and D/A Conversion, are presented both in theory and practice. The theory includes the basic fundamentals associated with each function and the practice comprises the presentation of different architectures for implementation, using for example Switched-Capacitor and Digital Techniques. The evaluation is composed by 4 laboratory works of simulation and electronic testing that will include the design of filters, A/D and D/A converters. The Software used for simulation includes the SWITCAP II program (for functional SC-simulation) and the HSPICE program (for electronic simulation at the transistor level). The Hardware used for electronic design and testing includes the MF10 (Integrated Switched-Capacitor Filter) and the Digital Signal Processor – Texas TMS 320C25